Monday, January 31, 2011

A Whole New World

Hi! My name is Mikayla, and I have been crocheting for just over 3 years. It began when my mom's friend, Libby, invited some people over to her house and she was going to teach them to crochet. Most of my family learned that day, and some kept it up, and others...well, did not. I really only made baby blankets with borders using the half double crochet stitch. So for the past three years, I was stuck in a hole. I only knew the half double crochet stitch, and I made baby blankets. That was it.
     About a month ago, my dad (who is very supportive of my crocheting) pulled up a website that had easy crochet patterns, for beginners. I was hooked. Through this website, I have learned "crochet language" (really, just crochet abbreviations), new stitches, and have made some new things with my new found knowledge. I visit new sites, and look at patterns, and say to myself "this is so cool! I can actually read these now!!".
     This website has really opened up a whole new door for me, and I just want to give credit to it. This website is, run by Rachel Choi. It has very easy patterns and teaches you new stitches through their tutorials. Without this website, I would still be stuck in hole.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo for crochet! Other than the basics I pretty much self taught my self everything and I'm loving it! There are so many easy patterns out there that are so cool. I'm currently using this pattern- make a baby blanket for a lady I babysit for's baby. It's fun, easy, and pretty!
